For Better Sleep, Point your Head in a New Direction

Studies prove the ancient science of Vastu is right about the direction we sleep in. More restful sleep and faster healing result when our bodies are oriented toward certain cardinal directions.
Vastu Facts

Positive magnetic energy that keeps us awake and alert comes from the north.

Studies show that sleeping with the top of the head pointed south promotes longer and more frequent REM sleep cycles, improved blood flow, circulation and digestion. People sleeping with their head pointed south were also reported to wake up feeling more rested.

According to Michael Mastro, founder of the American Institute of Vastu, positive magnetic energy that keeps us awake and alert comes from the north. “Sleeping with the top of the head pointed north is as if the positively charged ends of two magnets are pointed together: they repel. Blood flow, circulation and digestion are disturbed when sleeping with your head pointed towards the north.”

In other words, sleeping with your head towards the south is more restful and healing.

Before such studies existed, according to Vastu Shastra, the Ancient Indian science of Building and Architecture, our health is affected by our orientation while sleeping. It predicted that is healthiest for us to sleep with our heads pointed East and most unhealthy for our heads to be pointed to the north. Conclusion: if your home is aligned due north, sleep with your head facing south or east. If your home isn’t aligned, sleep in the most southerly direction, e.g. southeast or southwest.



Identifying your direction

Unsure of which direction your headboard faces now? Look up your address on Google maps. North is the top of your screen. If you’re not sure exactly where your bedroom is within your building, look for familiar features you can see out of your window.

Home isn't aligned

If your home faces one of the intercardinal directions, namely Northeast, Northwest, Southeast or Southwest, Michael advises you sleep with your head pointed in the most southerly direction. If your home is exactly 45 degrees off of true north, southeast is the best direction.

I can't move my bed

If your bed is pointed north, and you  can’t move it, as it doesn’t fit that way, or perhaps you’d be blocking the door or closet, there’s another solution. Michael Mastro recommends sleeping with your feet toward your headboard, with your pillow and head at the end of the bed.

Written by Kathryn Ossing

Kathryn guides health conscious women to align themselves with the rhythms of nature through Ayurveda, the science of life. She also brings peace to home and work environments through Vastu, the science of building, which comes from the same Vedic tradition as Ayurveda. As a Certified Vastu Practitioner and Ayurvedic Health Counselor, she inspires others to make the dietary and lifestyle changes that support their health, career, financial and relationship goals. Get your free guide, "5 Minute Mindfulness Practices for Busy Moms" Here.
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