Productivity, Creativity & the Cardinal Directions

Studies show the direction we face while performing left or right brain activities can have an effect on our creativity and productivity.

Interior facts

According to Mr. Mastro, the ultraviolet rays present in morning sunlight from the east increase our creativity.

The direction we face affects our brainwaves. Our brainwaves affect our performance.

There was a double-blind study done on 100 students in Chennai, where 25 faced a different cardinal direction, that’s North/East/South/West, to take the same test. They were of similar age and IQs, and they had the same materials to study from. The students were hooked up to EEG machines. The study found that the children facing north and east did about 20% better on the test than the other half of the students.

They took the study further and found that the students facing North did better on the left brain analytical and mathematical part of the exam. The students facing East did better on the right brain creative part of the exam.

When they looked at the students’ brainwaves, they found that those facing north and east were producing an Alpha rhythm, which is a harmonic brain wave characterized by a relaxed focused, relaxation, super-learning, and increased seratonin production. The students facing west and south were producing a Beta rhythm brain wave, which is more chaotic, and is characteristic of the “fight or flight” response in humans, as well as anxiety and unease.

It would seem then, that the cardinal directions affect our performance, productivity, creativity, analytical skills, and our happiness. The directions affect our brainwaves. Our brainwaves affect our performance.


Identify your direction

Unsure of which direction your desk faces now? Look up your address on Google maps. North is the top of your screen. If you’re not sure exactly where your office is within your building, look for familiar features you can see out of your window.


Identify type of work

Is it a left-brained or right-brained task you’re doing? Does it require analytical, mathematical skills? Face North. Or is it more creative, such as problem solving, art and music? Face East. If you can choose only one direction, which type of work is most frequent?


Move your desk

If there’s a north or east wall available, move your desk to that direction. If you can’t move your desk, or if your office isn’t aligned to the cardinal directions, turn your chair in those directions when you’re in need of clear thinking and problem solving.


The best direction for paying bills is…


According to Michael Mastro, founder of the American Institute of Vastu, the ancient Indian science of building and architecture, positive magnetic energy comes from the north. It keeps us awake and alert, and is beneficial for analytical work, as the students experienced on the analytical, mathematical part of the exam. Think data analysis, crunching numbers, paying bills, and spreadsheets. If when we sit at our desks we face north, chances are we’ll find these tasks come easier to us, just like the students facing north in the study.


Which direction is best for music, art, and problem solving?

According to Mr. Mastro, the ultraviolet rays present in morning sunlight from the east increase our creativity. And as we learned from the study on the students, east is best for creative work.

Does this hold true historically? It is commonly known that north light is the best for artistic pursuits, because most of the year direct sunlight does not come through the north windows, therefore the light does not vary much throughout the day.

The altars of Catholic churches also face east, the congregation (and for most of history the priest as well) faces east to pray and celebrate mass. In Buddhism and in Hinduism, worshippers often pray toward the rising sun in the East. Many of us are familiar with the Sun Salutations of Yoga which are performed toward the rising sun as well.

In conclusion, face north for math, east for artistic pursuits, and in either direction, get those relaxing harmonic alpha waves flowing! For more about cardinal directions and how they can affect sleep, check out For Better Sleep, Point your Head in a New Direction.


Written by Kathryn Ossing

Kathryn guides health conscious women to align themselves with the rhythms of nature through Ayurveda, the science of life. She also brings peace to home and work environments through Vastu, the science of building, which comes from the same Vedic tradition as Ayurveda. As a Certified Vastu Practitioner and Ayurvedic Health Counselor, she inspires others to make the dietary and lifestyle changes that support their health, career, financial and relationship goals. Get your free guide, "5 Minute Mindfulness Practices for Busy Moms" Here.
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